I know--it's such a little thing. But when you teach full time and have three kids, even the little things can be too much to add to your plate.

I'm not a pack rat, but I do have an odd habit of saving those adorable, tiny boxes from bars of soap or pantry items. In cleaning out the "tiny box cupboard," I found a vanilla extract box that just begged to be used for something. I thought of those Box Tops for Education.
You could do a really cute craft with this idea, but all I did was tape the vanilla extract box shut, cut a rectangular hole in the top, and slap a label on it. Now the box sits within easy reach on the kitchen counter top. Whenever I have a few box tops set aside, I trim them with scissors and pop them into the box top box.
Did my contributions make a difference to my school last year? I think so. At least they made a difference to my son, whose third-grade class was ahead in the box top contest all year and got to tape the principal to the wall with duct tape!
Have a time-saving project for teachers? Please share it in the comments!
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